Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Toothpaste Kisses

"Put the stars in our eyes,
And with heart-shaped bruises,
And late night kisses, divine."
The Maccabees - Toothpaste Kisses

Hello, funny valentines!
V-day with my friends was a blast. We went to our favorite coffee shop Lazio's after school and hung out for awhile (also played Cupid). Caramel Chillers always melt me into the leather armchairs. =]

Oh, and here a is photo I thought was perfect for the holiday (different context, but who care's, really?):

I found this in one of my albums thought it was sweet. It's my all-but-sister Yubani and I a few months ago hamming it up for the camera whilst out on the town. My smile looks funky, but I love this:

I'm part of the crew for my school's production of Hairspray and it's actually coming together nicely. Wearing all black for backstage may not be my style, but I do feel like a ninja!

Oh, and what I was talking about that last time about my hair is that I cannot decide whether or not to grow it back out or keep it above my shoulders in a bob? I will see if I can't find a decent photo of both and post them within the week.

Here's the video to the song from above. It made me laugh a lot. Sweet ending, though. =]:


Have A Rainy Day! <3

1 comment:

  1. Valentine's day is ♥! Friends and couples celebrate this day together and it must be memorable for all of 'em. The memories should be good! LOL! Nice pic, btw.


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