Monday, September 5, 2011


"Lisa likes brandy and the way it hits her lips,
She's a rock 'n' roll survivor with pendulum hips,
She's got deep brown eyes,
That've seen it all."
Noah & The Whale - L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N.

I just went shopping for some new jeans and am currently in the market for some good sneakers for this Fall, but this lacy, high-necked top called out to me. 

(Not the best shot of me, but I do love my outfit. Oh, and this is me when I don't straighten my hair.)

Cardigan - H&M
Lacy Tank - Kohls
Headband - Charlotte Russe
Pendent - Antique store

Oh, and in the past few weeks, I have seriously gone to town with my nail art pens. Check out the All Stars!

Personally, I cannot wait to see this movie. The soundtrack alone has me intrigued.

Don't forget to comment, follow, vote and shoot me a question any time at

Have A Rainy Day! <3


  1. i'm so inept at doing my nails in any capacity, let alone awesome patterns. very impressed.

  2. your nails look awesome and your hair looks pretty natural! x

  3. Thank you, I really appreciate it, both of you. Check out my new manicure tomorrow.


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